

today i was stopped at the light
in front of my old elementary school
right before school got out.
the crossing guard was setting up the cones -
the same crossing guard who helped me cross the street
on my very first day of first grade.
reality hit my like a ton of bricks -
when did i grow up?!?
when did i go from safety patrol and recess
to a full-time job and marriage?
i wouldn't want my life to be any other way,
but sometimes it makes me sad
to think about growing up.
do you ever wish you could go back to being little?


  1. i know exactly what you mean. life's a funny thing - can never go back to that age. my sister is graduating high school this year; even thinking back to that is bittersweet. oh, life!

  2. I totally feel the same way - especially when I pass Butler Elm or Mid, Smiths on Bengal, BHS, Top of the World....oh the good old days!

  3. all the time! i always find myself overwhelmed with the same chores i would see my parents doing. i never thought i would call my mom for advice or have the reality of being so poor that we can't pay our bills! i want to go back to having fun on the playground where your only care is if you were going to get picked last in kickball again :)


  4. ok... weirdest thing EVER! I totally used to work there!!! hahaha like no joke, i really did.
    i totally know what you mean. that is why i choose to work with kids. that way you can be a kid every day :)
